When users submit ads to the Bing/Yahoo! search engine they can set those ads to appear at certain times and decide how much of their ad spend should be spent. The user can click on the boxes to select their times and set their bids in the input box or with a link that will bring up a modal window. The following images show different ways that can be accomplished.
Clickable Ad Scheduling for bing
Empty schedule. Bids are set using a link that brings up a modal window.
Scheduled ads are selected and highlighted in blue as well as shown with a clock in gray. Bids are set using a link that brings up a modal window. Hovering over the clock brings up an information bubble that shows the day and time scheduled and how much ad spend (in percentage) is allotted for that period.
This version allows the user to select the schedule using the checkboxes on the top and left side. This design is less flexible but fulfills all the requirements needed. Bids are set using a link that brings up a modal window.
This version allows the user to select the schedule using the checkboxes on the top and left side. Users can set their bids in the input boxes directly on the page and not have to bring up a modal window.